ࡱ> fheb  jbjb oFhh:::::::RRRRn4JLLLLLL,Rfx:x::F::JN$r::::J:: tR0: n n Vocabulary Notetaking Guide Word Meaning Examples Practice character character (noun) ______________ characteristic characteristic (noun) ______________  a person in a book, play or ____________ a quality that is _____________ of someone or something ___________________ is an important character in the movie _________________________ Martin Luther Kings leadership characteristics made people _____________________ him My favorite character in the TV show __________________________ is ____________________________ One of my best characteristics is that I am ________________________ effective effective (adjective) ______________ effectively effectively (adverb) ______________  working ______; having the _____________or effect that you really want  A Thinking Map is an effective way to organize _____________ _________________________ A _____________ is easier to read when the writer effectively organizes the ______________ One effective way to stay awake in first period class is to ____________ _____________________________ One sport/video game I would like to play more effectively is _____________________________ #$,-67@ABNOS\]detuvûô~tjcZhph{CJ h}h{hph{6CJhph{6CJ hph{CJ hph{CJhph{CJhph{CJ hph{6hph{5CJ hph{hph{5hph{5CJ hph{CJh{h|#h{5CJh|#h{5CJhVh{CJ h}h{5##$,-67@$$Ifa$gd{l $a$gd{  @ABNO\]deteRRRRRRRR$Ifgd{l kd$$Ifl\Q oR"4t j0k44 la tuvopqrs*$Ifgd{l >Gnopqr+,-=Lstu簽Ũ{qhVh{6CJhph{6CJ hph{6hph{5CJ hph{hph{5CJhLCh{5h{h}h{CJhph{5hph{CJh|#h{CJ h|#h{hph{CJhph{CJ h}h{hph{CJ(*+,-.stuRkd$$Ifl \Q oR"4t j0k44 la$Ifgd{l  . / 0 1 n / M $Ifgd{l 0 1 F P M N O ~ ͻߜߥ楓hVh{CJhVh{CJ*h{hLCh{CJhh{CJhLCh{5hph{6CJ hph{6hph{5CJ hph{hph{5 h}h{hph{5CJ M N O RPkd$$Ifl \Q oR"4t j0k44 la$Ifgd{l %0:p{= /!"#$`%H" ,,  y ce(HH(dh com.apple.print.PageFormat.FormattingPrinter com.apple.print.ticket.creator com.apple.printingmanager com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray com.apple.print.PageFormat.FormattingPrinter 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